Indoor climate solutions for offices and businesses

Collection: Indoor climate solutions for offices and businesses

ÅBN's solutions are created with a focus on simplicity and sustainability, so that you can confidently optimize your indoor climate and maintain performance throughout the day. With the CO2 meter SKYEN as your indoor climate solution, you have a simple tool to monitor the room's air quality, so you can prevent headaches, difficulty concentrating and fatigue by airing out in time.

Interested in knowing how SKYEN has helped other companies? Follow the links here and read ÅBN's cases:

Case: The Org | Case: Mit Legehus Rødovre Centrum | All cases |

  • CLOUD ÅBNs CO2-måler, SKYEN, lyser blåt med friske blomster i vindueskarm
    Quickshop The simple way to a better indoor climate CLOUD is a simple and...
    Åbn dk CLOUD
    From €226,95
  • a man holding a baseball bat in his hand a close up of a nintendo wii game controller
    Quickshop *NB: Note that the price is DKK 500 per SKY (ex VAT)....
    Åbn Setup
    Regular price €75,95
  • a group of people standing around a table a group of people standing around an airport
    Quickshop Course targeted at AMR, management, pedagogues, teachers and students. With the Ambassador...
    Åbn Indoor climate ambassador
    Regular price €1.504,95
  • a picture of a sign that says <unk> a close up of a piece of paper on a piece of paper
    Quickshop Become one of ÅBN's indoor climate ambassadors with a sustainable tote bag...
  • CLOUD ÅBNs CO2-måler, SKYEN, lyser blåt i klasselokale med arbejdende børn
    Quickshop The simple way to a better indoor climate CLOUD is a simple and...
    Åbn dk CLOUD
    From €136,95
  • 10 x SKYEN inkl. opsætning ÅBNs CO2-måler, SKYEN, lyser blåt med friske blomster i vindueskarm
    Quickshop Kom godt igang med SKYEN i din organisation med 10 sensorer inkl...
    ÅBN 10 x SKYEN inkl. opsætning
    On sale from €3.418,95
    Quickshop Experience SKYEN's measured data in real time or over a period of...
    Åbn INNEN+
    From €8,95