On a mission to create the best indoor climate
We are on a mission to create the best indoor climate, because we know how big a difference it makes for health, well-being and productivity. Our innovative solutions allow you to monitor, measure and improve air quality so that you can create the optimal conditions for learning, work and well-being. Regardless of whether it is in schools, workplaces or at home, we work to make a healthy indoor climate a reality for everyone. Because a good indoor climate is not just important – it is essential.

Do you have questions about CLOUD ?
At what parameter does the CLOUD change to red?
The SKYEN switches to red by default when the CO2 level is above 1,000 ppm, which is a limit value set by the Norwegian Working Environment Authority. When you air out, you must be below 800 ppm before the CLOUD turns blue again.
It is possible to program the CLOUD to light an arbitrary color by an arbitrary parameter, e.g. orange when the sound level becomes too loud.
How large an area does the CLOUD cover?
As a starting point, you only need one SKY per 200 square meters.
However, this can vary according to the possibilities for drafts or air circulation in the room.
Feel free to contact us by email or phone. We are happy to estimate how many CLOUDS you need in the room, based on the possibility of changing the air in the room.
How big is the CLOUD?
THE CLOUD is the size of an adult's hand:
Width: 143 mm
Height: 83 mm
The SKYEN therefore fits on any wall or shelf without taking up too much space.
How long is the cable to the CLOUD?
The included white cord for the power supply is 180 cm. It is possible to buy extensions if the SKYEN is to be placed far from an available socket.
What is my guarantee?
All manufactured units are guaranteed for a period of 12 months from delivery. The warranty covers manufacturing defects and component defects.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål
Hvorfor er et godt indeklima vigtigt på arbejdspladsen?
Hvad kan jeg gøre for at forbedre luftkvaliteten i mit arbejdsområde?
Hvad er den optimale temperatur for et kontor?
Ved stillesiddende arbejde og normale forhold bør temperaturen holdes mellem 20-22°C og må ikke overstige 25°C (AT). Vær opmærksom på, at sol gennem store vinduer, lamper og kontormaskiner kan påvirke temperaturen.
Hvordan kan jeg måle indeklimaet på min arbejdsplads?
ÅBN ApS tilbyder SKYEN, en intelligent sensorløsning der giver real-time data og indsigt i indeklimaet. Den måler faktorer som luftfugtighed, temperatur og CO2-niveauer(aabn).
Hvad skal jeg gøre, hvis jeg oplever problemer med indeklimaet?
Som medarbejder bør du informere arbejdsmiljøorganisationen eller din arbejdsgiver, hvis du oplever problemer med indeklimaet eller har symptomer, du mener, er relateret til indeklimaet (AT). Din arbejdsgiver har ansvaret for at undersøge og løse eventuelle problemer.