
Vejle Municipality's SKYEN project has transformed the daycare area, created a healthier indoor climate and improved well-being. With 96% of staff actively involved, this is a compelling success story in improving the working environment. Read the full report for details on the project's impressive achievements.

Vejle Municipality's needs

In Vejle Municipality, the day care area faced a challenge in 2022 with a significantly high level of sickness absence.

New research indicates that a major reason for this was due to a sub-optimal indoor climate with elevated CO2 levels. To tackle this problem, the municipality decided to implement SKYEN and related initiatives at four institutions.


  • Establish fixed procedures for effective venting
  • Reduce symptoms associated with high CO2 levels, such as headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating
  • Reduce the risk of infection spreading through airborne particles
  • Improve well-being and reduce sickness absence

This initiative represented an exciting journey towards creating a healthier and more productive environment for both children and staff in day care. The case study explored how the implementation of SKYEN and associated measures could lead to significant improvements in the working environment, health and overall well-being at the institutions.


The municipality chose the following products after an in-depth feasibility study and sparring with ÅBN:

The solution was distributed among a total of four institutions in the municipality.


Process evaluation

Throughout the process, the institutions have not only embraced the project, but have dedicated time and energy to ensure optimal success. The heads of the institutions in particular have acted as strong partners and shown an impressive degree of commitment.

Impact evaluation
During the project, a full 96% of the respondents have actively integrated the CLOUD into their daily work routines. These impressive figures are also reflected in significant improvements in staff well-being, sickness absence and general perception of the indoor climate.

Their findings include:

Satisfaction with the indoor climate

An increase from 61% to 77% of the staff are now satisfied with the indoor climate.

Arrow showing an increase from 61% to 77%

Fewer physical and psychological discomforts

Before the project, as many as 81% of the staff experienced indoor climate-related problems such as difficulty concentrating, headaches and fatigue at work. After SKYEN's implementation, 52% believe that they now experience fewer inconveniences.

Arrow showing a drop to 52%

Greater feeling of being healthy and fit

The proportion of staff who do not feel sick going to work has increased from 54% to 63%.

Three arrows showing an increase from 54% to 63%

In general, the staff has become more disciplined with the ventilation. They do it more frequently and more routinely than before.

This change in behavior has directly contributed to the impressive results that we see here. As a sign of the project's success, fully 70% of the staff would recommend SKYEN to their colleagues in the municipality.

This transformation of the working environment clearly emphasizes the positive impact of the CLOUD on daily life and well-being in the workplace.

You can read the entire evaluation report here and dive into all project results.

Read report

Project evaluation

Project participant from Vejle Municipality:

Rikke Knudsen
Consultant for working environment and educational development
Daily offer
Vejle municipality