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Et godt indeklima på skoler og daginstitutioner er afgørende for medarbejdernes helbred og trivsel. Forskning peger på, at faktorer som CO₂-niveau, temperatur, luftfugtighed, flygtige organiske forbindelser (VOC), støj og lys kan påvirke, hvor ofte ansatte bliver syge. Denne rapport gennemgår anerkendte studier og data for hver af de seks parametre med henblik på at afdække en eventuel sammenhæng mellem målt indeklima og reduceret sygefravær blandt kommunalt ansatte (fx lærere og pædagoger). Der præsenteres desuden konklusioner om effekten af at implementere forbedringer/monitorering samt overvejelser om omkostninger og return on investment (ROI).

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Den længe ventede rapport fra Trivselskommissionen er netop landet. Rapporten, der har fået stor mediebevågenhed. Men ét centralt element glimrer ved sit fravær: børns fysiske omgivelser, især skolernes indeklima.

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Trivselskommissionens længe ventede rapport sætter fokus på, hvorfor flere børn og unge i dag mistrives – og hvad vi som samfund kan gøre for at styrke deres trivsel. Men i vores øjne er der et kæmpe hul i analysen: indeklimaet bliver stort set ignoreret.

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The closure of Kalvehave Kindergarten due to dangerously poor indoor climate underlines the urgent need to monitor and improve the...

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In a time where sustainability and health are paramount, it is essential to focus on the environments where our children...

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Follow the latest news

Welcome to ÅBN's blog page, where we give you the latest insights and updates about indoor climate, sensors and much more. To ensure that you are always up to date with the latest trends and technologies, we have collected a number of articles covering everything from improving the indoor climate to the latest sensor solutions.

Understand the indoor climate

Indoor climate is essential for your comfort and health. It covers conditions such as temperature, humidity and air quality in your indoor spaces. Poor indoor climate can lead to various health problems, such as allergies and asthma, and can also affect your general well-being.

Sensors as a Solution

Modern sensors play a central role in monitoring and improving the indoor climate. By using precise sensors, you can get valuable data on CO2 levels, temperature, humidity and other important parameters. This allows you to make informed decisions about how to improve your indoor air quality.

  1. CO2 sensors :
    Monitors carbon dioxide levels and ensures adequate ventilation.
  2. Temperature sensors :
    Monitors temperature conditions to ensure comfort and energy efficiency
  3. Humidity sensors :
    Measures humidity to prevent problems such as mold and mildew.
  4. Noise meter
    Measures the general noise level in the room and helps create calm
  5. Light meter
    Measures the light ratio and gives you an idea of ​​whether the light level is suitable for the task you are doing.
  6. Particle meter
    Many particles can hang in the air, which may be invisible to the naked eye but harm your health.

Learn more about indoor climate and sensors

Stay informed about the latest developments and solutions by following our blog. Whether you're looking for practical advice or the latest innovations, we're here to help you create the best indoor climate possible.

Thank you for visiting our blog. We look forward to bringing you more useful updates and news about indoor climate and sensors.

Stay Updated with the Latest News

We regularly update our blog with the latest news and trends in indoor climate and sensor technology. Here you will find the latest product reviews, technological advances and practical tips on how you can optimize your indoor climate.

Explore Our Blog Posts

We encourage you to browse our blog posts below for detailed insights and updates on how to improve your indoor climate with the most advanced sensors. From tips for maintaining air quality to new technology that makes your everyday life easier - we've got it all covered.

Do you have questions?

Do you have questions or need additional information about indoor climate, sensors or any of the topics we cover on our blog? We are here to help! You are always welcome to contact us directly at . Our team is ready to answer your questions and give you the knowledge you need to optimize your indoor climate and make the best use of sensor technologies.

Thank you for visiting our blog. We look forward to bringing you more useful updates and news about indoor climate and sensors.