
OPEN poster - OPEN for the good indoor climate

  • Regular price 100,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
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Do as 75 municipalities and +80 companies
who have already taken the step towards a healthier and more productive indoor climate. Our solutions help improve air quality, increase well-being and create better working and learning environments.

OPEN poster - OPEN for the good indoor climate

100,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)

Create focus through a better indoor climate

With SKYEN you can improve the indoor climate and achieve greater focus and concentration. When the air quality is optimal, our ability to stay focused and perform better in both learning and work increases. The CLOUD helps create the ideal conditions so you can keep your head clear and sharp throughout the day.

Araz Khan

Hear how Araz Khan has benefited from a better indoor climate with the help of SKYEN

Kenneth Bastholm Mortensen

Hear how Kenneth Bastholm Mortensen (Coordinator in the energy team, Children and Youth, Copenhagen Municipality) has benefited from a better indoor climate with the help of SKYEN

Kalundborg Municipality

Hear how Tanja (School Head, Raklev School) and Rune (Team Leader, Property Kalundborg Municipality) have benefited from a better indoor climate with the help of SKYEN

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Jakob Skov

Hear how Jakob Skov (Team leader for kKontaktcenteret and main number in Copenhagen Municipality) has benefited from a better indoor climate with the help of SKYEN

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On a mission to create the best indoor climate

We are on a mission to create the best indoor climate, because we know how big a difference it makes for health, well-being and productivity. Our innovative solutions allow you to monitor, measure and improve air quality so that you can create the optimal conditions for learning, work and well-being. Regardless of whether it is in schools, workplaces or at home, we work to make a healthy indoor climate a reality for everyone. Because a good indoor climate is not just important – it is essential.

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I denne pakkeløsning er professionel opsætning inkluderet. Vores teknikere sørger for at montere enhederne korrekt og koble dem op til netværket, så de fungerer optimalt fra dag ét​.

Derudover inkluderer pakken 20 minutters introduktion af ÅBNs direktør så rummets brugere, medarbejdere og ledelse er godt klædt på til deres nye udluftnings-kollega.


SKYEN er selvkalibrerende med 7 års præcisionsgaranti og kræver minimal vedligeholdelse.

Ja! Et godt indeklima kan reducere sygefraværet med op til 58%, svarende til fire ekstra arbejdsdage pr. medarbejder om året. SKYEN hjælper med at sikre korrekt ventilation og dermed et sundere miljø​.

Ja, SKYEN er designet til at være intuitiv og brugervenlig. Alle kan aflæse farvesystemet og reagere ved at lufte ud, hvis niveauerne er for høje​. Alle brugere af rummet har desuden fuld adgang til dashboard (hvis du ønsker det) via en QR-kode som installeres ved siden af SKYEN.

Flere undersøgelser viser, at lavere CO₂-niveauer kan forbedre kognitive præstationer med op til 61%. I skoler betyder det bedre indlæring, og på arbejdspladser kan det øge produktiviteten og reducere træthed​.

Mere end 75 kommuner og 80 virksomheder anvender allerede SKYEN til at forbedre indeklimaet. Det er populært i skoler, kontorer, sundhedsinstitutioner og mødelokaler​. Se alle vores fantastiske cases her.