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Air is man's most important source of nutrition

... og det slår os ihjel!
... and it's killing us!

In general, the indoor climate is 5 times worse than the outdoor climate , which is due to the accumulation of pollutants such as CO2, VOCs and allergens in closed spaces.

Bad indoor climate can have serious consequences which can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, reduced cognitive function and increased risk of chronic diseases.

To protect our health, it is important to ensure a healthy indoor climate.

Person lufter ud, ÅBNs CO2-måler, SKYEN, skifter farve fra rød til blå ved bedre indeklima og en blomst bliver frisk igen

Monitor and improve the indoor climate with smart solutions

With SKYEN you get a visual indicator that shows the CO2 level and warns when it is too high. The sensor also measures 6 other indoor climate parameters without Wi-Fi.
The class's indoor climate portal provides an overview of historical data and contains learning material that addresses the class's indoor climate challenges.
Luftens Helte offers an educational onboarding process that introduces the CLOUD and the portal to the class.
Get data access from all your locations via cloud, API or MODBUS to improve the indoor climate.


Endelig en indeklima-sensor alle forstår.

Se det i øjnene. De fleste sensorer kræver en halv meterolog-uddannelse at forstå.

ÅBNs sensor og web-app er bygget til at alle kan være med. Vi engagerer pædagoger, klasselærere og kontoransatte til et bedre indeklima.

Telefon med ÅBN dashboard

Lad os hjælpe med at forstå hvad der er i luften.

Hvad betyder det når CO2 niveauet viser 1200 ppm og hvad betydning har TVOC for din sundhed?

Få svar på alle dine spørgsmål og få anbefalinger til at forbedre de indeklima-parametre som I har udfordringer med.

Med den rette adfærd er der mange penge at spare på energi og sygefravær.

Documented effectiveness with impressive results

"Our study clearly shows that SKYEN, together with a habit kit, supports new sustainable habits in the classroom, which gives students a healthier indoor climate.

When the CO2 level becomes too high, it starts to have a negative impact on the students' well-being and learning. But with the CLOUD, that is actually eliminated.

Here, a year later, there is no indication that the effect is returning. It's pretty crazy."

Lasse Frost
Consultant, Implement Consulting Group

Billede af Lasse Frost fra Implement Consulting som var konsulent for ÅBN til dokumentation

Få fingrene i nok den sødeste sensor nogensinde.

Bare se på det ansigt. 👉🏻

Den ser godt ud i alle rum.

Get in touch with us so we can improve your indoor climate

Book a demo of our solution and at the same time get an estimate of how much we can increase your school offer.