
The situation:

UUO - Youth Education Guidance is in Odense and surroundings under the Employment and Social Administration (BSF). They deal with pupils in primary school and young people aged 15-24 and special guidance.

In Odense, they have older premises which entailed natural indoor climate challenges - both measured and subjectively experienced.

The solution:

As a solution, they set up SKYEN, the purpose of which is to visualize when airing needs to be done. In this way, the CO2 levels are kept down so that it does not affect the health and well-being of the employees.

The wish was also for SKYEN to be part of their efforts to meet APV statements.

The result:

As the CLOUD became a common reference point, it allowed for more frequent venting, without introducing potential disagreements about whether venting is necessary.

"At first I think it was some hocus pocus with that SKY. After a while, I discovered that we have challenges with the indoor climate 2 to 3 times a day, and it requires thoroughness. I'm actually really happy to have been given the cloud, after all, it shows that my manager takes responsibility and listens to our challenges. If he wants to give us the cloud, I can handle sitting in the cold for the minutes the cloud is red - because then it will be something we do together for each other in the office."
- Jette, Specialist at UUO