
Collection: ÅBN

  • 10 x SKYEN inkl. opsætning ÅBNs CO2-måler, SKYEN, lyser blåt med friske blomster i vindueskarm
    Quickshop Kom godt igang med SKYEN i din organisation med 10 sensorer inkl...
    ÅBN 10 x SKYEN inkl. opsætning
    On sale from 24.995,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • OPEN poster - OPEN for the good indoor climate OPEN poster - OPEN for the good indoor climate
    Quickshop ÅBN's indoor climate poster, designed to inform about the function and use...
    Åbn OPEN poster - OPEN for the good indoor climate
    Regular price 100,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • a picture of a sign that says <unk> a close up of a piece of paper on a piece of paper
    Quickshop Become one of ÅBN's indoor climate ambassadors with a sustainable tote bag...
    Åbn ÅBN's organic and sustainable tote bag
    Regular price 50,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • a group of people standing around a table a group of people standing around an airport
    Quickshop Course targeted at AMR, management, pedagogues, teachers and students. With the Ambassador...
    Åbn Indoor climate ambassador
    Regular price 11.000,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • a group of people sitting on a park bench a young girl holding a tennis racquet on a tennis court
    Quickshop Luft til Læring is a teaching course for nature/technology that introduces students...
    Åbn Air for Learning
    Regular price 5.000,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • a picture of a pair of orange shoes
    Quickshop At ÅBN, we focus on creating good habits that support the use...
    Åbn The Heroes of the Air kit
    Regular price 450,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • a man holding a baseball bat in his hand a close up of a nintendo wii game controller
    Quickshop *NB: Note that the price is DKK 500 per SKY (ex VAT)....
    Åbn Setup
    Regular price 550,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • Spare part: Power supply a man holding a baseball bat in his hand
    Quickshop Spare part for SKYEN Power supply Color: White AC/DC adapter Output: 5V...
    Åbn Spare part: Power supply
    Regular price 149,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • SKYEN abonnement SKYEN abonnement
    Quickshop Experience SKYEN's measured data in real time or over a period of...
    Åbn SKYEN abonnement
    From 59,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)
  • Klistermærke af tegnede skyer med logo | ÅBN Klistermærke af tegnede skyer med ÅBN-logo og teksten "Her lufter vi ud" | ÅBN
    Quickshop Take control of the indoor climate in your classroom without the use...
    Åbn Venting routine kit - become one of the Heroes of the Air!
    Regular price 79,00 DKK (eksklusiv moms)